August 17, 2019 RCG: visit 2 museums in Guangzhou

a-urlov   03.08.2019   Comments Off on August 17, 2019 RCG: visit 2 museums in Guangzhou

Announcement: August 17, 2019 RCG: visit 2 museums in Guangzhou

The Guangzhou Russian Club offers to visit 2 museums in Guangzhou together
Guangzhou City Planning Exhibition Center and Times Museum
They are located in the Baiyun district, next to each other, so it is convenient to combine their visits!
Unlike the last time (Guangzhou museum), this time there will not be an excursion, but a joint visit.
It will be interesting! Let’s all make cool photos with the inscription I love Guangzhou! There will be something to post on Instagram at last!
On August 17, 2019 at 10.00 we will meet at Baiyun Cultural square metro station, exit A
Address: 广东省广州市白云区展览路
If you have any questions, write to our WeChat account (below)

With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou