Temporary registration with the police in China, Guangzhou

Temporary registration with the police in China, Guangzhou
Registration at a police station in China
Everyone knows that upon arrival in China, registration is required within 24 hours (otherwise you will be fined). If you have arrived and checked into the hotel, the hotel itself will send information about you to the Chinese government agencies. If you come to visit friends (about this at the end of the article) or rent an apartment, then you need to go to the police station (or the center for foreigners) at your place of residence on your own to obtain a “Certificate of temporary residence in China”.
«Temporary Residence Permit», chinese name «临时住所登记» (ling shi zhu suo deng ji).
You will need the following documents:
– your passport
– apartment rental agreement
– documents of ownership of the apartment from Fandun (the owner)
Quite often, the presence of the Fandoon itself is also needed.
And you will receive the cherished piece of paper, it looks like this (it may be slightly different):

In the future, upon departure and entry, this document must be updated in the same place. The update is done in 5 minutes.
Why do I need this document?
In a huge number of cases:
– buy a SIM card
– a bank account has been opened
– get a Chinese driver’s license
– apply for a residence permit in China
– extend the visa
– and in others
If you come to China and stay with friends and need to register, then many often stay at a hotel (which has a license to receive foreigners) for 1 night to automatically make this notorious registration!
In Guangzhou, one of the places where you can register is this: (for those who live in Lieda)

With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou