The new Consul General of Russia in Guangzhou met with compatriots

a-urlov   11.06.2011   Comments Off on The new Consul General of Russia in Guangzhou met with compatriots

The new Consul General of Russia in Guangzhou met with compatriots
On June 2, 2011, a meeting was held with the new Consul General of the Russian Federation in Guangzhou, Mikhail Viktorovich Medvedev. The main purpose of the meeting was to introduce the Consul General to the Russian diaspora living in Guangzhou. The meeting was held in the form of a press conference, everyone could ask their questions and get an answer or recommendation from the staff of the Consulate General, exchange views on existing problems.

The first topic of discussion was the problem of organizing the education of Russian children in Guangzhou. There is an Embassy school in Beijing, and there is also a school in Shanghai. And considering the number of citizens living, according to unofficial data, it is about 3,500 people permanently residing in Guangdong Province, many of whom live here with families with children, the problem of children’s education is very relevant for parents. But, according to the Consul General, schools at embassies and consulates are organized for the children of diplomats and employees of trade missions, and the organization of schools for all permanent residents in Guangzhou is possible only on a commercial basis. The consulate promised, for its part, to assist in attracting teachers from Russia for training and certification, to help the school get an official status so that the diploma is recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

A question was also asked about obtaining biometric passports abroad. Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain a new type of foreign passport in China, and such an opportunity is not expected in the next 5-7 years, since special equipment and a separate room are required to issue such passports, for which significant financial resources must be allocated accordingly.

Among the questions from citizens, Denis Peng’s question about the PRC’s attitude towards Russia and Russian citizens in particular, as well as the prospects for the development of a business presence and business investments in China, became particularly discussed. “We, the townsfolk, feel some kind of pressure every year, and this is partly normal, each state defends the interests of its citizens,” says Denis Peng, CEO of Gain Dragon Int., Ltd. — But, nevertheless, I would like to understand to what extent the tightening of measures for living in China and doing business here? In particular, will there be any innovations from the Guangdong Provincial government?” According to the Consul General, China has a definite attitude towards maintaining good relations with Russia in terms of cooperation and joint projects. “But, really, I think that the best period, it is already over, when the Chinese were interested in our investments,” Mikhail Viktorovich noted.

Regarding the development plans of Guangdong Province, a plan has now been outlined to create a center for scientific and technical activities in the province by 2020, where investments and qualified personnel, including foreign ones, will be attracted. This will be given priority in the next 10-15 years. “In terms of strategic development, the economy and trade for China are already past the stage. With this in mind, it is possible to build and change the policy of Russian companies. In any case, we remain partners for the Chinese, it’s just that this partnership needs to be adjusted, from our point of view, from theirs,” says Acting Consul-Adviser Maxim Viktorovich Novoselov.

The issue of the development of the cultural life of Russian citizens in Guangzhou was also discussed. Alexey Varlamovich Ekimov, chairman of the Russian House in Macau, made a proposal to organize creative meetings with Russian artists, hold exhibitions and other cultural events. All those present responded to this proposal, in particular, the company Gain Dragon Int., Ltd. offered to assist in the organization. The Consulate General also promised to help with the provision of premises and the resolution of issues related to the organization of planned events.
Following the conference, plans were outlined to address several issues discussed during the meeting: the problem of education of Russian children in China, the issue of business presence and official employment of Russian citizens and the organization of cultural leisure of Russian citizens in Guangzhou. In the future, these issues will be resolved jointly by Russian citizens and employees of the Consulate General. The next occasion for the meeting of the Russian diaspora will be the traditional reception in honor of the celebration of Russia Day, which will be held on June 10.
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou