Guangzhou Board Game club on December 19, 2021, we are playing Luxor.

a-urlov   10.12.2021   Comments Off on Guangzhou Board Game club on December 19, 2021, we are playing Luxor.

Guangzhou Board Game club on December 19, 2021, we are playing Luxor.
In this board game, players will have to go through the pyramid to the tomb of the pharaohs. There will be treasures, scarabs and obstacles on the way. An interesting themed Luxor game with excellent graphics! If you liked the Mummy movie at the time, then the game is 100% for you! Very atmospheric.

The game is in English.
Last time we played Merchants and maraudeurs, Marco Polo, Marco Polo 2, Terraforming Mars and now Luxor!
Maximum of 5 players
The game includes all the extras.
The cost of participation is 80 rmb
If you come with a friend, the price will be 100 rmb for 2 ppl.
December 19, 2021 Sunday
Time: 14.30-17.30
At 14.00 I will meet you at the Yangang metro station (light green line)
Then 7 minutes by bike (or 15 minutes on foot) to the beautiful promenade at the Yajisha Bridge.
Make sure that you can rent a bike (to do this, you need to register in the system in advance).
There is a residential complex Golden Bay 金融御花园.
We play either in the garden, there are game tables in 3 places, or in the library, or on the 16th or 28th floor
Full list of board games available:
Merchants and maraudeurs
Terraforming Mars
Marco Polo
Marco Polo 2: at Khan service
The caravan
Soldier coming home (russian version only)
Pick apples
Escape The Curse of the Temple
5 tribes
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
Expected in stock:
Tzolk’in The Mayan Calendar
Robinson Crusoe
Puerto Rico
Lost Ruins of Arnak
To book a place and pay, write in Wechat: iurlov
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou