Presentation: Russian Club Guangzhou 2019-2021

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Presentation: Russian Club Guangzhou 2019-2021

What has been done?
– Website of the Russian Club Guangzhou has been reanimated
(The site was created on March 13, 2010 and relaunched on February 21, 2019)
– Website was created 1300 pages of useful information with personal experience!
– Collected over 6000 photos of the sights of Guangzhou. Sorted into hundreds of folders.
There are over 700 author’s articles posted on Wechat official account of RussianGuangzhou
The Guangzhou Places Wechat mini-app has been created, which is a convenient resource for navigation in Guangzhou.

Recent organized events:
– 2 trips to the sea. From Guangzhou to Shenzhen by registered bus
– visit to 2 museums in Guangzhou
– Business lunch in Guangzhou
– Historical tour of Guangzhou, Zhenhai Tower Museum, Yuexiu Park
– children’s drawing contest “Peace for world” with prizes
– Russian Easter picnic in Guangzhou

Statistics and number of subscribers
Website 2500 unique visitors per month
Wechat mini app Guangzhou Places – 8600 visitors since 1 august 2019 to 1 august 2021
Wechat official account RussianGuangzhou – 9000 followers. The average increase is 100 people/month.
Wechat account Wechat id: RussianGuangzhou 230 contacts plus 3 more with 4500 contacts – 507 folowers – 110 folowers – 23 folowers – 14 folowers.
There are 100 more Vkontakte groups on the topic of China with coverage from 1000 people per 1 post. – so far, the video has not been posted

With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou