The Immortal Regiment in Guangzhou on May 9, 2021

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The Immortal Regiment in Guangzhou on May 9, 2021

Dear compatriots, dear friends!
We invite you to the Victory Day celebrations on May 9, 2021!
10.00 – “Immortal Regiment” in the Memorial Park of the Heroes of the Canton Uprising (广州起义烈士陵园 Entrance 南3门).
We will march from the central gate to the gazebo of the Soviet-Chinese people’s friendship. Everyone can carry portraits of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. You can create a pillar with a portrait using layouts from the website http://штендер-полк.рф
After creating the layout, print it on a thick sheet of cardboard, plastic, foam or other materials. Please do not bring the national flags of Russia and other countries with you, in order to avoid misunderstandings with local authorities.

From 14.30 – special events at the Solux hotel.
Address: 广州市天河区黄埔大道中199号,阳光酒店, 7th floor, 1st hall.
Live broadcast from the Red Square of the country’s main parade dedicated to the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
A festive concert dedicated to Victory Day “Letters of the war years …”
An exhibition of children’s drawings on the theme of Victory Day.
The events are held with the support of the Russian Consulate General in Guangzhou.

With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou