Photo report on visits to 2 museums in Guangzhou 08/17/2019

a-urlov   17.08.2019   Comments Off on Photo report on visits to 2 museums in Guangzhou 08/17/2019

Photo report on a visit to the Guangzhou Planning Museum 08/17/2019
There weren’t many of us (5 people), but everything went great! Everyone was very satisfied!
First we arrived at Baiyun Culture Square subway station exit A, B
Guangzhou Planning Exhibition Center
Guangzhou Planning Exhibition Center
Admission is free
And inside, on the 1st floor there is the Guangzhou Museum of Local Lore The new Guangzhou Local Chronicles Museum
On the 1st floor there is an exposition with plans of urban development projects, buildings in other cities of China
On the 2nd floor there is a huge layout of Guangzhou city with a screen where the presentation was held.
(please note the break from 11.30 to 14.30 – there is no presentation at this time).
There are also models of famous buildings in Guangzhou.

The coolness of the layout is decently inferior to the Museum of Urban Planning in Shanghai, but it is also impressive!

This is the plan of the University Island. The Science Museum is visible:

A collection of beautiful doors in Cantonese style

On the 3rd floor there is an exposition of parts of Guangzhou, as well as a huge inscription I love Guangzhou
The same inscription is inside the museum (photo above)

Attention! If you go to the Planning Museum, be sure to register online in your official account:

Also, if you want to visit the Guangzhou 2050 pavilion, pre-registration is also required!
If you want to experience a VR attraction: on the roof of the IFC tower, then be ready for a queue of 40 minutes!
At 12.00 we boarded the subway again and drove 3 stations to the Huangbian subway
The Times Museum turns out to be located in a residential building on the 19th floor! Very unusual.
Admission is 30 yuan
This is an art space on the roof of the house, where various exhibitions are held.
It took us half an hour to inspect.

At 13.00 the event was over! Thanks to all the participants, and if you couldn’t, join us next time!
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou