Wechat tools for business. Business breakfast in Guangzhou 21 september 2019

a-urlov   16.08.2019   Comments Off on Wechat tools for business. Business breakfast in Guangzhou 21 september 2019

Wechat tools for business. Business breakfast in Guangzhou
Attention! Breakfast has been postponed to November 21, 2019! Due to the fact that there were only 2 people willing!
on September 21, 2019, on Saturday at 10.00, a master class on business tools will be held in the Wechat messenger.
Expert – Aleksandr Iurlov, having a 4-year advanced experience working with the Wichat messenger.
Alexander will tell you about:
What are the official accounts: types, differences, registration, setup and promotion + monetization
Wichat stores: law from January 1, 2019, registration, setup and promotion
Wichat mini applications: examples of how to create
WeChat business accounts Wechat Work: what is it, how to register and set up
The Vichat advertising platform for advertising in “Vichat moments”: how much does it cost and will the costs be repaid?
Cases, solutions, and personal experience will be presented. Answers to questions.
Participation in the master class is free of charge.
The duration is 2-3 hours.
There will be no video recording! Offline participation only.
Pre-registration is required!
Write about your participation in Wechat id: russianguangzhou
Address: 广州市海珠区新港中路397号TIT创意园
TIT 创意园 – Guangzhou T.I.T Creative Industry Zone
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou