How did it go? Business lunch on May 18, 2019 in Guangzhou

a-urlov   31.05.2019   Comments Off on How did it go? Business lunch on May 18, 2019 in Guangzhou

How did it go? Business lunch on May 18, 2019 in Guangzhou
The idea of the Guangzhou Russian Club is to bring together all those interested in business, life in Guangzhou and all people related to these topics for themed breakfasts. For us, such business lunches are events where interesting new acquaintances take place, information and precious experience are exchanged, and just a pleasant time with compatriots.

On May 18, Morgan’s Public House hosted another business lunch on the topic: “Firsthand experience in working with China”, organized by the Russian Club in Guangzhou.

We invited leaders in their fields of activity and just famous people in Guangzhou to this event.

As the name suggests, the key topic of discussion was the experience of working with China. The speakers shared their first steps in development, what they faced, and how they solved problems. They told stories and examples from life. They shared information about their businesses and answered questions from listeners.

The topic turned out to be very fruitful, everyone was able to bring bright colors, knowledge and experience to their performance. The speakers showed presentations, shared their achievements, talked about mistakes and difficulties.

In the following posts, I will talk about each speaker and his speech separately.

In the meantime, we would like to thank all the participants of the event who joined our event! At the business breakfast, we heard the wishes of the audience and were able to outline new vectors for improving our events and introducing new ideas. We are confident that such interesting and relevant meetings will take place more often and serve as an occasion for the exchange of useful information and the rapprochement of our compatriots in Guangzhou.

We also want to inform you that due to the fact that the topic aroused special interest, we decided to hold more meetings on the same topic in the fall. Follow the announcements of the events of the Guangzhou Russian Club on our information resources.
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou