Business lunch “Firsthand experience of working with China”

a-urlov   14.05.2019   Comments Off on Business lunch “Firsthand experience of working with China”

Business lunch “Firsthand experience of working with China”
More and more entrepreneurs are buying goods from Chinese suppliers. We will tell you about all the stages of working with Chinese partners, how to avoid translation difficulties, learn to respect other people’s cultural traditions and earn a good business reputation.
Working with Chinese suppliers has its own specifics, which you can only experience through trial and error. Unfortunately, no one can save you from making mistakes or other difficulties. Traps will be waiting for you at every step.
We chose the topic of the new business lunch “Firsthand experience of working with China”.
Each speaker will share their business experience with you. You will be able to ask any questions you are interested in and ask for advice, for example, regarding your situation. We hope that the meeting will take place in the form of a constructive dialogue on a given topic.
We want to combine knowledge and life experience!
We are waiting for you on May 18, 2019 on Saturday at 11:00.
Address: Morgan’s Public House, 天河区珠江新城华就路6号108铺 (metro station Zhujiang New Town)
Link to Baidu map
Link to AMAP
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou