No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

a-urlov   08.05.2019   Comments Off on No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!

No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!
War is the most terrible thing that can happen to humanity, and world war is doubly terrible. Yes, there is a local war going on in many countries around the world now, and it is scary, scary that in the modern world, having survived the horrors of the Great War of the twentieth century, there are forces that support military operations around the world. Human life is priceless, cities can be rebuilt, forests can be planted anew, everything can be recreated or created anew, everything is the fodder of human life… it will never be returned, and it absolutely does not matter who you are by nationality, Russian or Ukrainian, German or Jew, Armenian or Turkish, French or Thai, no matter what race you are, no matter what religion, all the differences between people make the world only more beautiful, and it’s time for us to realize and accept this. Otherwise, we are in danger of total annihilation. Peace be with you People!
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou