How was Russian Easter in Guangzhou? It was fun!

a-urlov   29.04.2019   Comments Off on How was Russian Easter in Guangzhou? It was fun!

Yesterday was Easter and the Guangzhou Russian Club gathered everyone who wanted to celebrate this holiday in nature with kebabs.
Torrential rains have been falling for several days. And even on the eve of the holiday, there were doubts about the gathering place.
But Easter morning came and all doubts were dispelled.
Easter, dry, wonderful sunny weather, clear sky. Everything made it possible for even avid stay-at-home people to get out of their apartments.
The gathering took place in the south of Guangzhou in the Clifford neighborhood. In the depths of this gated micro-town there is a small lake with swans and a specially designated barbecue area.
Despite the proximity to the locals, who played Mahjong for money with passion at the neighboring tables, our company fried kebabs, fish, and grilled vegetables.
Of course, the traditional “egg fights” took place. Elena Syromolot, an active representative of the Guangzhou Russian Club and one of the organizers of the Sunday meeting of compatriots, “smashed everyone under the nut.” Our women are strong in Chinese villages!
Easter cakes and painted eggs were a constant decoration on the tables.
I think it’s not worth telling in detail how great everything was, but according to the established tradition and for the sake of completeness, we want to share some photos.
In general, it was delicious and positive. And we will be glad if such meetings become our little tradition. After all, meetings with compatriots, relatives, friends, on such special days are extremely dear to the heart.
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou