A literary and discussion club in Guangzhou. The first meeting is on July 15, 2019

a-urlov   26.04.2019   Comments Off on A literary and discussion club in Guangzhou. The first meeting is on July 15, 2019

As part of the Guangzhou Russian Club, we decided to open an experimental project – a Literary and Discussion Club.
The idea of the club is to bring together people interested in literature. Gather in order to discuss the books you have read in an informal setting. To share the thoughts that arose during the reading. Find answers to your questions together. We invite all those who are not afraid to ask themselves and others various questions.
This project is a community of readers, whom we want to unite within the framework of the project “by interests” to discuss books.
We offer 2-3 selected books by the same writer to be discussed at one meeting.
The frequency of meetings is 1 time / 3 months.
Fiction is mainly offered without restrictions on genres, time of writing and authors.

How do we see our meetings:
The curator will prepare a short message about the author, including his biography and career, as well as whatever he deems necessary. He will also moderate the discussion — ask questions, suggest topics and encourage people to speak out.

The club positions itself as a community for everyone, so there is no strict division of works by genre: not all here are philologists or even carriers of humanitarian education.

The value of discussing books is the opportunity to hear an alternative opinion and look at what you read from a different angle. Try to convey your vision and get other listeners and readers interested in it. Observe your own reaction to criticism of the works of your favorite author. This is a new, unusual, and bonding experience. In addition, the literary club incredibly expands the horizons of vision: within the club, we can sometimes read something that we have not heard about before and that we certainly would not have read ourselves. Despite the fact that most readers have long lists of books in their plans, these lists are usually made up of something especially loved by each of us. Choosing our club motivates you to take on something different from this – and find a new favorite author, work or a whole genre. Thus, the knowledge base is replenished and expanded.

We will try to make our meetings interesting, informative and diverse.

We propose to dedicate the first meeting to the modern Russian author Dmitry Glukhovsky and his works:
– the post-apocalyptic novel “Metro 2033”https://bookol.ru/fantastika/boevaya_fantastika/63402.htm
– the mystical novel “Twilight” https://bookol.ru/fantastika/ujasyi/114507.htm
– realistic novel “Text” https://knigogo.net/chitat-online/tekst/
For your convenience, we have found works in the public domain on the Internet, you can read these books online by following the links.
Or buy it in official online stores, for example, Liters: https://www.litres.ru/dmitriy-gluhovskiy/

The date of the meeting is July 15, 2019!

A more precise venue and time will be announced in advance.
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou