How was the business breakfast in Guangzhou 23 march 2019

a-urlov   24.03.2019   Comments Off on How was the business breakfast in Guangzhou 23 march 2019

How was the business breakfast in Guangzhou 23 march 2019
On March 23, 2019, about 45 compatriots, on the initiative of the Guangzhou Russian Club, gathered at the Morgans cafe.
There were 4 speakers at the meeting:
The representative of the China Orientir company was the first to take the floor and told about the process of obtaining work visas in Guangzhou

Irina Kozmenko She told me about the registration of business visas for foreigners and the difficulties at the borders.
Irina Kocherga She shared her experience of opening a Chinese company in the special zone of Shenzhen, for obtaining a work visa.

Alexei Fabish as an expert in legal support of companies in Hong Kong, he spoke about the business cases and services of his company.

In general, the meeting was productive and useful for all those who came. There was also an opportunity to eat, because it was a business breakfast.
In the future, such meetings are planned to be made monthly. Wait for the announcements on this site!
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou