With the support of the Guangzhou Russian Club, 2 events were held on March 22, 2019

a-urlov   23.03.2019   Comments Off on With the support of the Guangzhou Russian Club, 2 events were held on March 22, 2019

With the information support of the Guangzhou Russian Club, two cultural events took place on March 22, 2019 – an evening of piano music performed by Igor Demchenkov, a musician and professor at the Beijing Central Conservatory, and the opening of an exhibition of oil paintings by Alexander Babich.
The event was open to everyone.
On a rainy March evening, true lovers and connoisseurs of classical music and painting gathered in a small but very cozy gallery near Beijing Street I-M Art Gallery.
It should be noted that the event was attended by both our young residents of Guangzhou and many compatriots. The concert aroused genuine interest among the assembled audience. The audience generously rewarded the virtuoso performer with applause after each piece of music.
It was a real celebration for fans of classical music, because an interesting, diverse and tastefully composed program gave great pleasure to all those gathered.
The pleasant tandem of the evening was the exhibition of oil works by Alexander Babich. Unfortunately, the artist himself was not present, but all those present enjoyed the works with undisguised curiosity.
It should be noted that Alexander Babich is known precisely for his mountain landscapes, which depict picturesque views of the Caucasus Mountains of all seasons. He has painted more than a thousand paintings in this genre. Mountain lovers will find among them the most majestic and diverse views of the Caucasus. His work has been marked by numerous diplomas and awards.

At the end of the concert, all those who came congratulated the performer, Igor Demchenkov, on his birthday and expressed a desire to attend such events more often.
Below is a photo from the event:

With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou