13th Conference of the Coordinating Council of Compatriots in China

a-urlov   10.03.2019   Comments Off on 13th Conference of the Coordinating Council of Compatriots in China

13th Conference of the Coordinating Council of Compatriots in China
Konstantin Altunyan: “What could be better than the smell of strong coffee early in the morning after a short sleep?! Only the upcoming event was more invigorating than coffee, because today is the day of the conference. The long-awaited holiday of all compatriots in China has arrived.
All the delegates, dressed up and solemn, proceeded to the 13th floor of our hotel, where the 13th conference will be held in the conference hall. No sooner had they settled into their seats than diplomats arrived, headed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the People’s Republic of China Andrei Ivanovich Denisov.
The National Anthem of the Russian Federation is playing and the conference begins its work. Andrey Ivanovich takes the microphone first for a welcoming speech. In his speech, he spoke about Russian-Chinese relations at the highest levels, about upcoming meetings of the supreme leaders of the two states, about joint global projects, including the proposed opening of the Consulate General in Harbin this year. Andrey Ivanovich wished fruitful and productive work to all participants of the conference.
Together with him, all four Consuls General (Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenyang), the Head of the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing and many other diplomatic and responsible persons attended the conference. The main topic of the conference is “Issues of consolidation of compatriots in China: new challenges, new frontiers”, but it so happened that the most lively issues of discussion concerned education and the preservation of cultural identity in a foreign environment. The colleagues who spoke talked about the work that their organizations have done over the past year and shared their plans for the future. I was lucky enough to hear a lot of interesting speeches and reports on this day. The Consul General of Russia in Guangzhou also took the floor and told about the large project of the Russian school in Guangzhou, which the Consulate is currently working on, and what important steps have been taken in this direction to implement this project. There is no doubt that if this ambitious project is implemented, the lives of the children of compatriots in Guangzhou will become much easier in terms of obtaining Russian education and preserving cultural roots.
In addition, some pressing issues on the visa and legal aspect were raised.
In general, the conference was very productive and the benefits of it were undeniable.
During the conference, the compatriots listened to an interesting story by Sergei Zaitsev, a famous film director from Russia, who was a special guest of the conference. Also during the meeting, the film “Yul Brynner: The Soul of a Tramp” about the famous Russian and simultaneously Hollywood actor was watched.
The conference ended with a gala dinner and no less solemn evening gatherings over a glass of spirits, where the conference participants discussed what they had heard during the day, in backstage communication.
It turned out to be a very eventful and interesting day. We look forward to seeing you again next year in the glorious city of Guangzhou.”
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou