The first evening after the conference

a-urlov   08.03.2019   Comments Off on The first evening after the conference

Konstantin Altunyan:
“The first evening
This is the end of the Thirteenth Conference of Russian Compatriots, which gathered activists, public figures and Russian diplomats in Chengdu from all over the Celestial Empire under its banner.
I’m sitting on the plane and remembering these interesting and eventful two days, rethinking everything I’ve heard and seen.
I want to briefly share this with you.
Traditionally, on the evening of the day preceding the conference, the council’s activists gather and discuss current issues and make upcoming decisions in advance so as not to waste precious conference time on working moments. One of the technical issues concerned the composition of the Coordinating Council in the future, which of the participants would leave it, and who would complement it. As a result, following the results of a unanimous vote, the following decision was made – for technical reasons, clubs in the cities of Urumqi and Hunchun disbanded themselves, respectively, these Russian Clubs withdrew from the membership. On the other hand, the chairmen of these clubs were admitted to the council as individuals, full-fledged participants with the right to vote. Your humble servant also joined the council as an individual. He returned, so to speak, to his native organization. As a member of the council, the coordinating council included the women’s organization “Lady Time” from Guangzhou city, the Russian Club of Guangzhou and the Association of Russian Students received the status of observers of the coordinating Council. Thus, the council was replenished with new and bright faces.
After the evening meeting, all the delegates went on a small walking tour of the city, the purpose of which was to find a restaurant where the food is somewhat less spicy than in all other restaurants in the province. As a result, the restaurant was found, visitors and staff were shocked by the number of foreigners per square meter of the establishment, the food was ordered and eaten to the accompaniment of groans and groans from the squeezing mouth and insides of pepper. The most popular dish that evening was rice for all of us, very, very much rice…. on the way back, many bought liters of milk and drank it greedily to avoid spleen collapse later at night. ”
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou