“CRUX” South Chinese Literary Almanac Guangzhou

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“CRUX” South Chinese Literary Almanac
No. 1, September 2013.
Publication of the Independent Literary Club, Guangzhou
You can download HERE
The first South Chinese literary almanac has been published.

In the spring of 2013, a group of Russian people living in Guangdong decided to gather at a kind of literary cafe, thus materializing their hobbies. Many of us write, most of us only “to the table”, because staying in China for almost all of us is connected with work, and these are not literary works at all. And creativity, as it is known, even if it is positioned as “for itself”, still somehow requires readers – or even listeners.

It was decided to read aloud his works in an informal setting, exchange impressions, talk about life, the experience of staying in China, and more broadly on Earth … and just spend the evening in the company of pleasant people.

In April, people of different professions, parishioners of the local Orthodox parish, friends and casual acquaintances who happened to be nearby and had just learned about our meeting came to the literary cafe in Guangzhou. There were less than half of those writing poetry and prose, but not all of them were able to read, especially since there was no such goal. We also read the works of those authors who could not come to our meeting – but wanted to participate virtually. Stories about life in China, entertaining stories, interesting acquaintances – all this also took place.

It was decided to organize the read works in an almanac in order to see their works in print (even in electronic form) and share them with others. After all, what we experience, brought far away from our Homeland, is in many ways Terra Incognita for most of our compatriots. And to feel the wind of wandering, to discover new worlds, even through literary works, is a pleasure and happiness for people who have been reading for many hundreds of years. The result was the South Chinese literary almanac “CRUX”. The first issue, after long and tedious attempts to complete it, was released in September 2013.

Literary meetings are planned to be held regularly, and already on September 22, 2013, the next “literary cafe” is scheduled to be held in Guangzhou. After which, of course, it is supposed to publish the second issue of the almanac.

We invite creative people connected with China in one way or another to publish in our almanac. It can be prose or poetry, diary entries or journalism, paintings or photographs. The almanac “CRUX” is a platform to show your works, to see what your compatriots create, to regain the joy of creativity and reading. However, on the other hand, not being an official literary publication, it is rather workbooks, an opportunity to maintain the fire of creativity and the beauty of the Russian language. The rights to the works remain with the authors, the almanac is created on a voluntary basis and is a free publication.
Download can HERE

Tony Gay anthgau@gmail.com
On September 22, 2013, at 13:00, a new literary meeting will be held in Guangzhou. To read your own and someone else’s, to talk about literature and life. Rate the first issue of the South Chinese literary almanac. To taste the Ottoman food.
Restaurant Bosphorus 2nd floor
Address: 广州市 天河区 珠江新城 兴盛路1117号 越和兴盛汇 G层G区9号铺
Shop 9, Area G, Ground Floor, Xingsheng Hui, No.11 and No.17, Xingsheng Road, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
Phone: 020 — 85270852 // 38479910″

With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou