The Russian Center has been opened at the Guangdong University of Foreign Languages and International Trade

a-urlov   22.04.2011   Comments Off on The Russian Center has been opened at the Guangdong University of Foreign Languages and International Trade

The Russian Center has been opened at the Guangdong University of Foreign Languages and International Trade in Guangzhou
On April 22, 2011, in the presence of the Assistant to the President of Russia for Personnel Affairs O.A. Markov, the Russian Center at the Guangdong University of Foreign Languages and International Trade (Guangzhou, China) was opened in a solemn atmosphere.
In his speech, O.A. Markov stated:
– Russian centers have become an innovative form of cultural representation of Russia, its educational, humanitarian and scientific opportunities… The new cultural and educational center in Guangzhou is another bridge that connects our peoples.
The President of the University, Zhong Weihe, noted:
– In the training of specialists in the Russian language, our university ranks first in Guangdong Province and even in the entire southern region of China. Since 1970, our university has already trained many Russian scholars who play an important role in the exchange and cooperation between Guangdong Province and Russia.
He agreed with the opinion that the center would help increase the number of Chinese students studying Russian.
The opening of the center was attended by Deputy Executive Director of the Russian World Foundation V. Istratov, Head of the Department of Regional Programs in Toloraya, Deputy Department of Education of Guangdong Province Wei Zhongling, Consul General of Russia in Guangzhou Medvedev.

Representatives of the Russian World Foundation met with students of the Guangdong University of Foreign Languages and International Trade.
Georgy Toloraya
Russian World Foundation
With respect,
Russian Club Guangzhou
Wechat id: russianguangzhou