The Crocodile Game in Guangzhou

a-urlov   24.03.2011   Comments Off on The Crocodile Game in Guangzhou

Posted by NataOlsh 24/03/2011 – 16:02
The Crocodile Game in Guangzhou
Where: Guangzhu, bar «HOOWA», 广东省广州市越秀区太和岗路
When: Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 21:00

We invite everyone who wants to play or just relax on the game “Crocodile”!!!
The essence of the game “CROCODILE” – THE PLAYER SHOWS a word or phrase exclusively in the language of gestures and facial expressions.
“Crocodile” is an opportunity to make new friends, it’s gambling and incredibly fun!
This time we will take into account the experience of the last game: we will place the playing area differently and more players will be able to play in each team!
Come in advance to get the best seats.

With respect,
Guangzhou Russian Club
Wechat id: russianguangzhou