An interesting action dedicated to the anniversary celebration of the Day of Russia

a-urlov   12.03.2011   Comments Off on An interesting action dedicated to the anniversary celebration of the Day of Russia

Posted by Prestol Vlasti Saturday, 12/03/2011 – 22:26
An interesting action dedicated to the anniversary celebration of the Day of Russia
Dear Community!!! Dear friends!!!
The Coordinating Council of Compatriots in China received an interesting offer to participate in the action.
The Department of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug invites you to take part in a network event dedicated to the anniversary celebration of Russia Day. The leitmotif of the campaign is the idea of Russian compatriots’ involvement in the celebration of Russia Day, attracting young people from among compatriots to patriotic actions, as well as strengthening ties between the Russian diaspora and the historical Homeland.
This action was developed and proposed for implementation by the Vice-President of the Association of Russian-speaking Youth of Portugal (“ARSYP”) By Tatiana Oxentyuk.
The concept of the promotion
The concept of the campaign is the sequential transfer of the flag of the Russian Federation “along the chain” in the form of a postal shipment, in which the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug will be the first and last link. Upon receipt of the flag of the Russian Federation in the name of the contact person, the organization of compatriots takes a collective photo with the “tricolor” against the background of a well-known landmark of the country of residence of compatriots (the landmark can be either an architectural monument or any other object that distinguishes the country of residence of compatriots). After that, the participants of the action attach a commemorative greeting to the flag on the occasion of the celebration of Russia Day and forward the flag to the next organization of compatriots taking part in the action.
Thus, a chain will be formed, which geographically ends in the city of Salekhard (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). The implementation of the project in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is undertaken by the Department for the Implementation of State Policy towards Compatriots Abroad of the Department of International and Foreign Economic Relations of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The network component of the project

The network component of the project will be the creation of an event website, which will post photos and congratulations of the participants of the action, as well as information about the organizations of compatriots participating in the event.

At the request of the participants of the action, a video greeting or a video presentation of the organization of compatriots or the country of residence can be filmed, which will also be posted on the website.

Photo Requirements

Color, digital jpg photo;
Collective (representatives of the Russian-speaking diaspora);
The background is a well–known landmark (one of the symbols of the represented country);
The presence of the flag of the Russian Federation in the photo is mandatory.
I suggest that we take such a picture in Guangzhou, too, but first let’s decide on the background of which landmark to take a picture of.

In this topic, I suggest leaving your thoughts on this matter.

Here is a list that, it seems to me, reflects the symbols of Guangzhou, if anyone adds, I will be only glad:
Guangzhou’s new TV tower
Statue of 5 goats
Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall
The building of the Historical Museum
CITIC Skyscraper
The Canton Exhibition Building
Please complete the list, and then we will choose the most successful background for the photo.

The discussion is here:

With respect,
Guangzhou Russian Club
Wechat id: russianguangzhou