As we celebrated on May 9th, 2010 in Guangzhou!

a-urlov   19.05.2010   Comments Off on As we celebrated on May 9th, 2010 in Guangzhou!

Posted by Prestol Vlasti wednesday, 19/05/2010 – 14:58
As we celebrated on May 9th, 2010 in Guangzhou!
We have been thinking for a long time about where and how to celebrate May 9th this year. A friend suggested celebrating “At my Grandfather’s” – in a quiet pleasant place in Huadu. I was tormented by doubts: would there be enough space, would it be fun? After thinking and weighing all the pros and cons, we decided to celebrate with my Grandfather. After making an announcement on the hemisphere and sending out several messages, I began to wait for the list to be filled in so that I could prepare meat on the afternoon of May 8th. On the 7th, at a reception at the Consulate General, Maxim Melnik found a company with buses and, after calling, I arranged for one bus for the morning of the 9th. From that moment on, the list of those who wanted to go began to grow by leaps and bounds, by 4 o’clock on May 8th, there were already about 65 people who wanted to go. While I was shopping for meat and other products, and the means necessary for a good time in nature, the number of people on the list increased to 80 people, and by 2 a.m. there were already more than 90.

At about 9 p.m., I called the transport company and ordered another bus. In the evening, Egor called me and offered to help me prepare the meat, which I was very happy about, because I would have cut such a mountain of meat alone until the morning!

We took up knives, and the mountain of meat began to decrease, and mouth-watering beautiful pieces began to take their place in special containers next to the neatly chopped onion. At 11 p.m., we found that there were not enough onions for meat ….. And then our friends Artyom, Akhat and Dima Moskvin came to the rescue, they overcame all obstacles: they found several onion heads so important for all of us and brought them 15 kilometers to Egor and me.

The job was done. The finished meat lay in containers and waited for the secret ingredient for a good marinade. After seeing Egor off, I finished cooking the meat and put it in the refrigerator until morning. Nastya washed all the fruits and vegetables and prepared them for tomorrow’s holiday. The next day, at 9 a.m. sharp, the driver came to pick me up.

With respect,
Guangzhou Russian Club
Wechat id: russianguangzhou